This month’s blog post is going to be a bit different. It’s longer, less current-events-based, and inspired by a recent Instagram story I saw.

One of the influencers I follow recently posted about her experience with an NYC super and landlord who did not take her claims of a bug infestation and mold seriously, and

Hi! It’s been awhile.

A lot has happened since last time I blogged on here. The end of my senior year got really busy; I just graduated, and the most important highlight is that I was accepted to law school, where I hope to earn the credibility and knowledge to defend NYC tenants’ rights.


After two terms of Bill de Blasio, New York City is gearing up for a mayoral race full of new faces. As of a week ago, there were fourteen candidates still in the mix, which means there’s a whole lot to cover. I’m going to discuss a couple of candidates who have caught my

It’s safe to say that this has been one of the most stressful weeks in recent electoral history for America as a whole. One way I’m dealing with the anxiety of our country’s future hanging in the balance is focusing on the positive things that we do know.

We’re lucky that many state election results